A Recap of My Performance Coaching Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya

It has been just over a month since I’ve been back Stateside from my time in Kenya and Ethiopia.  This semester is beginning to consume me, but a brotha has it all under control *inner self laughs really hard*.  I graduate in nearly 70 days and then everything changes, I think.  Anyways, I’ve had ample[…]

Off to East Africa!!

The semester is over!!  This semester was the first in awhile that didn’t feel like it flew by!  I’ve left to Pittsburgh for a wedding and Santa Rosa to see family all within this semester, so I’ve kinda been getting around.  It was another semester of great classes, helping me learn a lot about myself[…]

How to Train for Quidditch, Muggles Guide

As mentioned in the previous blog post I ‘m a performance coach for the best Quidditch team in all the land, literally.  My job is to make them be as athletic as possible and reduce non-contact injuries so that when they run on the pitch, they actually look like they’re flying.  In this segment I[…]

How I Became a Quidditch Performance Coach

So….somehow I went from almost being a D1 track coach to coaching quidditch.  And somehow, it’s one of the best thing to have happened to me this year.  Yeah that’s what I said, I coach quidditch.  And they get it in.  If you have no idea what this sport even is, I’ve explained it at[…]

One Month at EXOS

So as of publishing this, I am 4 weeks into my internship with EXOS (formerly Athletes’ Performance).  I have been wanting this internship for 2 years and finally got it!  I’m going to describe briefly how this experience has been as it’s been rather interesting.  From beating on NFL vets in ultimate Frisbee, to sharing[…]

Recapping on My 1st Performance Clinic

So on Sunday I held a speed clinic (Takeoff Speed Clinic) in my hometown of Pittsburgh PA.  I wanted to do something good for the community and also have means to pay my Austin Texas rent.  The program was a hands on speed clinic to teach how to sprint and how to train to sprint. […]

Redeeming Myself to Finish Year 1 of Graduate School Strong

Listen, you have no idea just how relieved I am right now.  3 hours ago (from when I started typing) I submitted my final project to close out my first year of graduate school at the University of Texas.  The last 9 months have just been a roller coaster.  From me feeling exhausted during my[…]

The Athlete’s Guide to Understanding Iron Deficiency

All around the world, athletes are plagued with this issue of iron deficiency.   When I played school athletics, I’ve seen it, especially with girls in high school.  With an athlete abroad I’m working with, deficiency seems to be a problem she’s dealing with, and I’m sure it’s no stranger to you in one capacity or[…]

3 Ways to Improve Acceleration and Why It’s Important

Have you ever seen how Derrick Rose blows past defenders taking the ball in for a score, or Marshawn Lynch blazing through the line past opponents (and laying punishing hits on opponents) to quickly reach the end zone?  One thing these athletes do very well is accelerate to gain speed and momentum quickly.  Well, what[…]

My Experience Training Track Athletes in Belize

This past winter, I spent a week training track and field athletes in Belize after a 3 week tour of Mexico.  For those of you who haven’t heard of Belize or have only vacationed on the Cayes (pronounced “keys”), I’ll give you a short description.  Belize lies south of the Mexican state of Yucatan, has[…]