Welcome to 2018! I hope you have been well. Much has happened for me in 2017 although I haven’t been great with keeping up with you. 2017 was truly amazing! I have much more time to keep up with content creation on here for you and I will get to why quickly. Life is going in a direction that, is in some ways, better than I envisioned. Many of The Wanderlust Trainer readers I know, or have met, so thank you for your support from across Pennsylvania, Texas, Kenya, and Ethiopia! I am going to give you a recap of all the good news as well as some business goals/information.
As a quick recap of the last year and a half:
- May 2016 Graduated from University of Texas
- June 2016 moved to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to work in social work full time
- February 2017 Global Human Performance (GHP) was launched.
- February 2017 Kenya for the 2nd Nairobi Performance Clinic.
- March 2017 began HS track and field coaching career at Woodland Hills HS as Sprints Coach
- March 2017 began 5th season with River City Elite Track Club and 1st season with ALL sprint/hurdle training program creation.
- April 2017 Partnership with Pittsburgh Thunderbirds (pro ultimate frisbee team)
- September/October 2017 business restructuring
- November 2017 Wanderlust Series launched
- November 2017 Partnership with Case Specific Nutrition (dietitian services)
- December 2017 left social work job to full time pursuit of Global Human Performance, LLC
As far as that last point, I am on week 3 as a full time entrepreneur operating GHP. My training clientele increased quite a bit between October-December with better marketing, increased pricing, and better price structuring. That increase, plus the day job created extreme demands on my time and energy, which led me to go full time.
So, Global Human Performance, what is it about?
As per the mission statement, “Global Human Performance strives to be the leading global sports performance and educational company worldwide. We aim to improve athletes’ performance and help sports federations, Olympic committees, and teams improve their systems of developing athletes”.
I operate GHP on the Southside Hilltop of Pittsburgh subleasing to a private gym. A blessing indeed. The facility has multiple Olympic lifting racks, free weights, turf, cardio equipment, a few stationary machines, and an open air garage door! A great environment for intense sport and fitness training.
Many of GHP’s current clients are ultimate frisbee athletes, and regular “life athletes” looking to improve their badassery levels, as well as track and field, football, and weight loss!
GHP 2018 Goals
The goal for 2017 was to go full time before the next high school track season in 2018 and preferably by the new year. That happened. And I learned A LOT. My people skills were tested in ways and in a volume I have never really experienced. It’s been all for the better. Here are the GHP 2018 Goals.
- GHP will service 500 athletes in 2018
Via GHP clients and a number of workshops and clinics, I aim to improve 500 athletes. This will largely be via team/organization clinics. My target audience is ultimate (frisbee), football (American), track and field, basketball and soccer (football). If you have teams that could benefit, let me know!
- GHP will service 100 “life athletes” in 2018
Via GHP clients and a number of workshops and clinics, mostly in corporate and community spaces, I will be teaching others how to train (better), eat better, and improve their overall wellness. If you are a part of an organization or know of one that could benefit, let me know!
- GHP will service 50 coaches internationally in 2018
In February I am returning to Kenya to train coaches in Nairobi AND Nakuru on sport performance training techniques. This will be the 3rd trip to Kenya, and it will be even bigger. I have a little over 2 dozen coaches currently interested, so I’ll be looking to find a new location for a 2nd clinic in 2018. For those of you subscribers not from the US, be in contact if your organization or team has an interest.

Most of the coaches and I. These were some great guys
I will be releasing content monthly as I have much more time on my hands since most business occurs 5-10am and 4-8pm.
I look forward to hearing your feedback and being in touch with you! Please check out Global Human Performance on line and on social media!
IG: @coach_donald_ @globalhumanperformance
Facebook: Global Human Performance