Howdy! So I’ve been working on a series of adventures and learning experiences to bring the “Global” to GHP. This is to get people moving more but also to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors. Also to explore new areas and learn new skills. For this first season of “The Wanderlust Series” there are 2 activities a month that consist of hiking, biking, firearm lessons, and traveling to new places.
A bit of history: Upon moving to Texas in 2014 I began to embrace adventure. I would go on hikes, find lakes and small creeks in the woods to sit and read by, road trip to cities, and feed dangerous wild animals in foreign countries. In the winter of 2014 a solo adventure trip to Mexico ended with me coaching track in Belize which birthed “The Wanderlust Trainer” in Dec 2014.

Feeding my date
Ever since, I’ve had a passion for exploring and seeing new things and want to offer the opportunity for friends and clients to find that in themselves and fan the flame of those who already do. Here’s the run down of events. Most of them take place in western Pennsylvania.
Winter 2017-18
-Sun Nov 5th Hiking @ Keystone State Park,
-Sun Nov 19th Biking @ North Shore to Route 28
-Sun Dec 3rd Hiking @ Racoon Creek State Park
-Sat Dec 16th Shooting Lesson @ Anthony Arms Gun Range
-Sun Jan 6th Hiking @ Moraine State Park
-Jan 20-21 Adventures @ Colorado Springs
-Feb 3-4th Cabin Camping @ Allegheny National Forest
-Feb16-March 3rd @ East Africa adventures
As far as costs, they range greatly. Below are more details:
-Hiking is inherently free, but hiking boots/shoes or cleats are recommended. Also snacks and water. Bring a chair and book to sit and read maybe (I do)
-Biking is low cost. Healthy Ride Pgh charges $4/hr to rent bikes in the city
-Professional 1hr shooting lessons at Anthony Arms costs $60/person for a group of 3. Guns, ammo, and other things provided. You’ll have to pay for other things if you want to stay and shoot after
-Flying to Colorado can cost $250-600 depending on how you book and when. Renting a house to AirBnB is cheap. We may stay with a friend of min if it’s a small group of us. Also factor food and activities costs.
-Flying to East Africa. Kenya and Ethiopia are definitely happening. 1-2 other countries are very possible. I need to set an itinerary. I could get a ticket for $800-1400 r/t booking in January. Other costs are being away from work, housing, food, and activities. Flying from one country to another is about $200-400. Things are rather inexpensive once you’re there. This will be a cultural immersion trip, and well I’m planning to coach. You may need typhoid and yellow fever vaccines before being allowed to entire certain countries. Malaria pills are mandatory but not expensive.
So bam! There you have it. You can email me or text me to confirm if you’d like to be put on the list to go! This is a bit of a pilot so some issues and concerns will be handled as they come and not all potential obstacles have been worked out. For upcoming trips, those on the interested list will be contacted for those activities. If you have further questions please feel free to contact me.
See you soon!