Redeeming Myself to Finish Year 1 of Graduate School Strong

Listen, you have no idea just how relieved I am right now.  3 hours ago (from when I started typing) I submitted my final project to close out my first year of graduate school at the University of Texas.  The last 9 months have just been a roller coaster.  From me feeling exhausted during my[…]

Why You Should Go the Extra Mile (or Few Thousand)

So this summer I just received my dream internship! I will be interning with EXOS, formerly known as Athlete’s Performance (they changed the name a couple years ago). I’ve been wanting to intern with them for over 2 years now but it wasn’t until I had to do the near unthinkable (what I thought was[…]

3 Benefits of Traveling Abroad

Ever since returning from my last trip abroad, travel has been at the peak of my conversations. When I meet new people, if they have/want to travel(ed) is one of the first few questions I ask them. As a matter of fact, I recently received a new roommate in my apartment, against my wanting, and[…]

The Athlete’s Guide to Understanding Iron Deficiency

All around the world, athletes are plagued with this issue of iron deficiency.   When I played school athletics, I’ve seen it, especially with girls in high school.  With an athlete abroad I’m working with, deficiency seems to be a problem she’s dealing with, and I’m sure it’s no stranger to you in one capacity or[…]

3 Ways to Improve Acceleration and Why It’s Important

Have you ever seen how Derrick Rose blows past defenders taking the ball in for a score, or Marshawn Lynch blazing through the line past opponents (and laying punishing hits on opponents) to quickly reach the end zone?  One thing these athletes do very well is accelerate to gain speed and momentum quickly.  Well, what[…]

5 Things You Have to do in Mexico City

Mexico is a great country.  Between the landscape of Chiapas, the ancient ruins everywhere, the Mexican people, and the delicious tacos for 10 pesos it’s hard for me to think of anything not to like about Mexico!  From climbing pyramids in rain, seeing a grandeur dance performance on a castle, shutting down the club with[…]

My Experience Training Track Athletes in Belize

This past winter, I spent a week training track and field athletes in Belize after a 3 week tour of Mexico.  For those of you who haven’t heard of Belize or have only vacationed on the Cayes (pronounced “keys”), I’ll give you a short description.  Belize lies south of the Mexican state of Yucatan, has[…]

How Taking Good Advice Allowed Me to Train Athletes in Belize

When you are pursuing a craft, to be elite at what you do you should research and implement new things that will make you better at it.  Mentorship and having people who can offer you advice is paramount to success.  Having a good network and healthy relationships can help remove locks off of many doors[…]

3 Reasons Why the Glutes are the Most Important Muscles in Sports

While watching tv or at competition you witness a bruising tackle, a high block, or major golf drive.  How so?  Glute strength!  The strongest and largest muscle group on the body.  In this article I am going to briefly write about why I see that an athlete having strong glutes (maximus, medius, & minimus) is[…]

3 Things I Miss About Traveling Abroad

It’s a bitter sweet moment returning home from a long trip.  You return to those somewhat regular things that, hopefully, you enjoy in your daily life.  But it’s also a bit of a bummer (or a large one) knowing that your adventure has ended and the crazy stories you’ve acquired are halted, for now of[…]