Combating Inner Resentment, You Are Worthy

  Hey everybody, I know it’s been awhile since I wrote, this internship has basically owned my life the last 9 weeks.  I’ve only recently had a bit of a life outside of this, mainly via ultimate frisbee.  Given that, I’ve been learning quite a bit about the art of coaching and have been getting[…]

One Month at EXOS

So as of publishing this, I am 4 weeks into my internship with EXOS (formerly Athletes’ Performance).  I have been wanting this internship for 2 years and finally got it!  I’m going to describe briefly how this experience has been as it’s been rather interesting.  From beating on NFL vets in ultimate Frisbee, to sharing[…]

Recapping on My 1st Performance Clinic

So on Sunday I held a speed clinic (Takeoff Speed Clinic) in my hometown of Pittsburgh PA.  I wanted to do something good for the community and also have means to pay my Austin Texas rent.  The program was a hands on speed clinic to teach how to sprint and how to train to sprint. […]

Redeeming Myself to Finish Year 1 of Graduate School Strong

Listen, you have no idea just how relieved I am right now.  3 hours ago (from when I started typing) I submitted my final project to close out my first year of graduate school at the University of Texas.  The last 9 months have just been a roller coaster.  From me feeling exhausted during my[…]

Why You Should Go the Extra Mile (or Few Thousand)

So this summer I just received my dream internship! I will be interning with EXOS, formerly known as Athlete’s Performance (they changed the name a couple years ago). I’ve been wanting to intern with them for over 2 years now but it wasn’t until I had to do the near unthinkable (what I thought was[…]

3 Benefits of Traveling Abroad

Ever since returning from my last trip abroad, travel has been at the peak of my conversations. When I meet new people, if they have/want to travel(ed) is one of the first few questions I ask them. As a matter of fact, I recently received a new roommate in my apartment, against my wanting, and[…]

The Athlete’s Guide to Understanding Iron Deficiency

All around the world, athletes are plagued with this issue of iron deficiency.   When I played school athletics, I’ve seen it, especially with girls in high school.  With an athlete abroad I’m working with, deficiency seems to be a problem she’s dealing with, and I’m sure it’s no stranger to you in one capacity or[…]